Petr Stacho is a glassmaker and painter based in Kamenický Šenov and Ústí nad Labem in the Czech Republic. A graduate of the Prague Academy of Applied Arts, where he studied glassmaking under professors Svoboda and Kopecký, Petr works as a professional artist and teaches glassmaking at the Glassmaking School in Kamenický Šenov – the oldest school of its kind on the World and Petr’s
own alma mater. Petr has an international reputation as a glassmaker and his work has been exhibited extensively both at home and abroad.
This site contains a selection of Petr’s work. For further details or to enquire about purchasing any item, please email Petr at, or by Facebook,clicking on icon.
CIRCULATION OF WATER-2017-click to open videoANATOMY OF WATER (2016) click open a video
CIRCULATION (2017)-click to open videoONE OF THOSE DAYS (2015) click open a videoPLAYING WITH WATER (2016) click open a videoCONTEXT ART exhibition in Miami (USA) 2015China central academy of fine arts (CAFA) in Beijing,(CHINA) 2015Exhibition in regional museum in Děčín ( Czech rep.)2015Exhibition NO LIMITS in Sophia (BULGARIA),2016Exhibition SOFA in Chicago(USA),2016Exhibition Petr Stacho-GLASS FINE ART in Hamburg (GERMANY),2017Lecture on ULUDAG university, Bursa, (TURKEY),2017Lecture on Belarus national technical university in Minsk (BELARUS),2018Exhibition TRIBUTE TO NATURE,Zadar (CROATIA),2019Glass Exhibition at Nişantaşı VitrA exhibition place, VBenzer in Istanbul,(TURKEY), 2019Lecture and demo of modeling on meeting of Danish glass artists association in Nyborg (DENMARK),2019Show-case in Faculty of art and design, Córdoba, ARGENTINAKiln casting course, Corning, (USA)