Sklo CRYSTAL PATHFINDER,kiln cast,cut and polished crystal glass,33x34x14cm,2020. STORM,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,25x20x4cm,2020 WAVE 2,cast,cut and polished uranium glass,50x45x16cm,2020 STRICKEN BY SUDDENLY SUNSHINE,cast,cut and polished uranium glass,47x45x14cm,2019 (1) STEP 2,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,33x28x12 cm,2019 WATER ELEVATING,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,31x28x9cm,2019 Metamorphoses 3,kiln cast,cut and polished uranium glass,50x42x12cm,2019 From cycle metamorphoses,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,50x30x14cm,2019 METAMORPHOSES 1,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,49x44x14cm,2019 METAMORPHOSES 2,kiln cast cut and polished glass,61x42x12cm,2019 WHIRLPOOL 2,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,55x35x15cm,2019 (1) GHOST OF DESERT,cast cut and polished glass,40x30x13cm,2019 WATER BREATHING,kiln cast,cut and polished uranium glass,40x40x18 cm,2018 TIDAL CYCLE,kiln cast.cut and polished glass,36x27x14cm,2019 by Petr Stacho SNATCHER OF SUN ERUPTIONS,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,41x42x11cm,2019 TRANSPORTER OF SUN ENERGY,2020,kiln cast,cut and polished crystal+uranium Banas glass,44x51x18cm,28kg FLIGHT,kiln cast glass,25x20x4 cm,2016 TURKEY,kiln cast glass,d-25 x 8 cm,2015 ANATOMY OF WATER,kiln cast glass,cut and polished, 48x36x15 cm,2016 ANATOMY OF WATER,kiln cast glass,cut and polished, 48x36x15 cm,2016 CIRCULATION,kiln cast,cut and polished glass d-48 cm,33kg,2017 CIRCULATION OF WATER,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,28x13cm,2017 CIRCULATION OF WATER,kin cast,cut and polished glass,28x13cm,2017 WATERFALL 2,kiln cast,cut and polished glass,37x37x15cm,2018 2011- TWISTER,cast glass, 27x25x9cm 2015-UP and DOWN,polished uranium glass,49 x 39 x 15 cm,28 kg, GUARD OF ANTARCTICA,42x44x15cm 2017 RIDDLE,35x23x11cm,2017 WELCOME THE SUN-Banas uranium glas,kiln cast,cut and polished,32x33x7 cm,2016 TRIBUTE TO NATURE,55 x 53 x 7,5 cm, 25 kg , 2016 « ‹ z 6 › »